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Antony Anghie

College positions:
Visiting Fellow
International Law
Faculty of Law National University of Singapore; S.J.Quinney School of Law, University of Utah
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Professor Antony Anghie

Tony Anghie teaches international law at the National University of Singapore, and the University of Utah.

His research interests include the history and theory of international law, human rights, international economic law, and the law relating to the use of force. He is a member of the Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) network of scholars. He is a co-editor in chief of the Asian Journal of International Law. He served as the Secretary General of the Asian Society of International Law from 2017-2023.

Select publications

  • `Rethinking International Law: A TWAIL Perspective’, European Journal of International Law, vol. 34(1) 2023 p.7
  • `Asia in the History and Theory of International Law’ in Simon Chesterman, Ben Saul and Hisahi Owada (eds) The Oxford Handbook for International Law in the Asia Pacific (Oxford UP) 2019
  • `Inequality, Human Rights and the New International Economic Order’ Humanity vol. 10 (3)
  • `The Evolution of international law: colonial and post-colonial realities’, 27(5) Third World Quarterly (2006)
  • Imperialism, Sovereignty and the Making of International Law (Cambridge UP, 2005).
  • `Finding the Peripheries: Sovereignty and Colonialism in Nineteenth Century International Law’, 40 Harvard International Law Journal (1999)
  • `Francisco de Vitoria and the Colonial Origins of International Law’, 5(3) Social and Legal Studies (1996)

Select awards

  • Hudson Medal for international law, American Society of International Law (2023)
  • Honorary LL.D for services to international law, University of Kent (2019)
  • Associate Member, Institut de Droit International (2019)