Professor Eckart Bueren
Eckart Bueren is Professor of Private Law, Competition Law, Corporate Law, and Comparative Law at the Georg-August University of Göttingen.
Eckart Bueren studied law at the Universities of Münster and Bonn (First State Examination in Law) and economics at the University of Hagen (Diplom-Volkswirt). During his legal clerkship (Referendariat), Eckart Bueren worked amongst others at the European Commission, Directorate General for Competition, the German Federal Cartel Office, the Regional Court of Cologne, and the Public Prosecutor’s Office. After passing the Second State Examination in Law, Eckart Bueren worked as a research assistant to Professor Daniel Zimmer at the University of Bonn, where he also wrote his doctoral thesis on settlements in cartel cases with a focus on comparative law, law & economics, and European law. He then joined the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg as a Senior Research Fellow in the department of Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Holger Fleischer. Besides, Eckart Bueren acted as the Institute’s expert on Swiss Law for German courts and authorities, and as a member of the Institute’s Committee and the Editorial Board for the Institute’s website and online presentation. Eckart Bueren wrote his habilitation thesis on short-termism in corporate and capital market law focusing on the history of ideas from a comparative law law and economics perspective. In 2018, he habilitated at Bucerius Law School and received a venia legendi (authorization to teach) for private law, corporate law, capital market law, competition law, fair trade law, comparative law, and law & economics. In 2022/2023, Eckart Bueren was a visiting scholar at Harvard Law School. Eckart Bueren’s research focuses on competition law (in particular competition law and digitalisation, competition procedure, public and private enforcement) as well as corporate law and capital markets law (in particular sustainable finance).
Select publications
Selected monographs:
- Short-termism im Aktien- und Kapitalmarktrecht – Ideengeschichte, Rechtsvergleichung, Rechtsökonomie –, 1228 pages, Mohr Siebeck, 2022
Review by Agstner, Banca borsa titoli credito, Heft Nr. 1/2024 - Verständigungen – Settlements in Kartellbußgeldverfahren: Eine Untersuchung des Vergleichsverfahrens der Kommission mit einer rechtsvergleichenden und rechtsökonomischen Analyse, 1086 pages, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2011
Review by Brinker, NZKart 2013, 128
Selected articles:
- Green Finance, insbesondere Green Bonds, ZGR 2024, 397-430
- Mehrstimmrechte im Spiegel von Rechtsvergleichung und Ökonomie, RabelsZ 88 (2024), 87-150 (together with Jennifer Crowder)
- Sustainability and Competition Law in Germany, in: Këllezi, Pranvera/Kobel, Pierre/ Kilpatrick, Bruce (Eds.), Sustainability Objectives in Competition and Intellectual Property Law, LIDC Contributions on Antitrust Law, Intellectual Property and Unfair Competition, 2024, p. 83-125 (together with Jennifer Crowder)
- The Financial Sector in Sustainability Due Diligence Laws – a comparative analysis, in: Rouaud, Anne-Claire (Hrsg.), Dossier: Banks and climate change, International Journal for Financial Services / Revue Internationale des Services Financiers, Bruylant, 1/2024
- Das US-Antitrustrecht in Zeiten der Digitalisierung – Historische Strömungen und aktuelle Entwicklungen, ZHR 2022, 788-837 (together with Jennifer Crowder)
- Suppliers to a Sellers’ Cartel and the Boundaries of the Right to Damages in U.S. vs. EU Competition Law, European Journal of Law and Economics 45 (2018), 397-437 (together with Florian Smuda)
- Time is Money – But how much money is Time? Interest and Inflation in Competition Law Actions for Damages, 81 Antitrust Law Journal 271-336 (2016) (together with Kai Hüschelrath and Tobias Veith)
Select Awards
- 2018: award (‚Förderpreis‘) by the „Stiftung Kapitalmarktforschung für den Finanzstandort Deutschland“ for the habilitation thesis (endowed with 10,000 Euros)
- 2018: Best Academic Private Enforcement Article – 2018 Antitrust Writing Awards, organized by the Competition Law Centre of George Washington University and the Concurrence Review, conferment April 10th, 2018, Washington D.C., USA
- 2013: Jacques Lassier Prize by the International League of Competition Law / Ligue international du droit de la concurrence (LIDC) for the dissertation thesis, conferement in Kiev
- 2012: Foris prize by the Faculty of Law and Economics, University of Bonn (3rd price), for the dissertation thesis
Further links
Chair at University of Göttingen