Professor Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre
Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre is professor of German literature at Stockholm University.
She earned her Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis, USA, in 1992, with a dissertation on the German author Georg Wickram. Since 1986, Wåghäll Nivre has taught Swedish and German at various universities in Sweden, Germany, and the USA, including Davidson College (1992–94), Högskolan Karlskrona-Ronneby (1994–95), Växjö University (1995–2012), and Stockholm University (since 2004).
Wåghäll Nivre’s research focuses on 16th and 17th-century German literature, with a particular interest in the roles of women, marriage, and family life in early modern German literature. She has also explored early modern biographic writing, panegyrics, and travel narratives. Her smaller projects include publications on German children’s literature, the teaching of literature in the foreign language classroom, and the use of multimedia in language and literature teaching. Her current research examines biographic writing on Queen Christina of Sweden (1626–1689).
Wåghäll Nivre has supervised nearly twenty Ph.D. students on topics related to German literature and the teaching of literature in the foreign language classroom. She has served as the editor of the journal Moderna språk and of the series Stockholm German and Dutch Studies. She is a founding member of the association Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft in Schweden and the international network Movens: Phänomene ästhetischer und kultureller Grenzüberschreitungen. Additionally, she has been on the board of the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies and is a board member of the international network PhDNet Literary and Cultural Studies and The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanities and Society.
Wåghäll Nivre has held several administrative roles, serving as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Deputy Vice President for the Area of Human Science at Stockholm University 2018–2023. In this position, she has also undertaken a variety of expert assignments in Sweden and internationally.
Spouse: Joakim Nivre, professor of computational linguistics, Uppsala University. Visiting fellow at Clare Hall September–December 2024. Homepage:
Select publications
- Wåghäll Nivre, Elisabeth. Women and Family Life in early Modern German popular Literature. Camden House/ Boydell & Brewer Inc: Rochester, NY, 2004.
- Wåghäll Nivre, Elisabeth, Beate Schirrmacher and Claudia Egerer, eds. (Re-)Contextualizing Literary and Cultural History. The Representation of the Past in Literary and Material Culture. Stockholm: AUS, 2013.
- Wåghäll Nivre, Elisabeth, Anna Carlstedt, Anders Cullhed, Carin Franzén, Peter Gillgren, Kerstin Lundström, and Erland Sellberg. Allusions and Reflections Greek and Roman Mythology in Renaissance Europe. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.
- Wåghäll Nivre, Elisabeth. “Bücher unterwegs: Die Plünderung deutscher Büchersammlungen durch die Schweden im Dreißigjährigen Krieg.” Zwischen ThronSaal und FrawenZimmer – Handlungsfelder pommerscher Fürstinnen um 1600 im Vergleich. Eds. Dirk Schleinert and Monika Scheikart. Köln: Böhlau, 2017. 335–346.
- Wåghäll Nivre, Elisabeth. “Northern Encounters: Michael Heberer, an Early Modern German Traveler to Sweden. Daphnis 45: 3–4 (2017): 429–439.
- Wåghäll Nivre, Elisabeth. “Historizität, Legende, Mythos: Die Faust-Figur zwischen Faktualität und Fiktionalität.” Faust-Handbuch. Konstellationen – Diskurse – Medien. Eds. Carsten Rohde, Thorsten Valk, and Mathias Mayer. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2018. 1–11.
- Wåghäll Nivre, Elisabeth. “Grenzen des Enzyklopädischen? Erfahrungen von der Stadt als Lebens- und Wirkungsraum im frühneuzeitlichen Prosaroman.” Enzyklopädisches Erzählen und vormoderne Romanpoetik (1400-1700). Eds. Mathias Herweg, Klaus Kipf and Dirk Werle. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2019. 201–216.
- Wåghäll Nivre, Elisabeth. “Georg Wickram neu betrachtet?: Historische Schreibpraktiken und das literarische Schaffen Wickrams (um 1505‒1562) aus wissenschaftshistorischer Perspektive”. Dynamiken historischer Schreibszenen: Diachrone Perspektiven vom Spätmittelalter bis zur klassischen Moderne. Ed. Katja Barthel. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2022. 115-126.
Select Awards
- Working Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (2020).
- Member of Academia Net. The Portal to Excellent Women Academics (2021).
Further links
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