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Laura Castelli

College positions:
Official Fellow
Ancient Philosophy
Faculty of Classics
Contact details:

Dr Laura M. Castelli

Dr Castelli studied Music in Como and Philosophy in Pisa, Tübingen and Oxford. She received her piano diploma from the Conservatoire of Novara in 2001 and her doctorate in Philosophy from the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa in 2008. Before joining the Faculty of Classics in 2022, she worked at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Oxford, Tübingen and LMU Munich.

Select publications

  • Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle: Topics, Book 3. Introduction, translation and notes. Ancient Commentators on Aristotle, Bloomsbury: London/NY/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2021
  • Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle: Topics, Book 2. Introduction, translation and notes, Ancient Commentators on Aristotle, Bloomsbury: London/NY/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2020
  • Aristotle, Metaphysics Book Iota. Introduction, translation and commentary, Clarendon Press: Oxford 2018
  • Aristotele, Fisica IV. Introduzione, traduzione e commento, Carocci: Roma 2012
  • Problems and Paradigms of Unity. Aristotle’s Accounts of the One, International Aristotle Studies 6, Academia Verlag: Sankt Augustin 2010
  • Ideas destroy the Platonists’ Principles: de ideis 87.1-88.2 et 97.27-98.24 (forthcoming in M. Crubellier – L. Gazziero (éd.), Le Peri ideôn d’Aristote, Louvain-la-neuve, Peeters)
  • Alexander of Aphrodisias and Musical Models for Ontological Enquiries, in F. Pelosi and F. Petrucci (eds.), Music and Philosophy in the Roman Empire, Cambridge University Press 2020, pp. 85-107
  • Aristotle, Phys. I 3, in D. Quarantotto (ed.), Aristotle, Physics I, Cambridge University Press 2018, pp. 82-105

Select awards

  • Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship (held at LMU Munich), 2012-15
  • DFG Research Fellowship (held at LMU Munich), 2015-2019