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Staff contact details

For any urgent issues, please contact the Porters’ Lodge:

Telephone: +44 (0)1223 332360

Location: Main Site, Clare Hall, Herschel Road, Cambridge CB3 9AL, United Kingdom

Here is a map of Clare Hall. You can also find an interactive map of the University on this page.

Post can be sent to any Clare Hall Fellow, office, member of staff or student at the above address. For contact details of each office please see below.

If you are a current member, you can search for email addresses and phone numbers of Fellows, staff and students on the University lookup directory.  

The majority of Clare Hall’s staff are based around the courtyard in Main Site, just beyond the Porters’ Lodge.


Clare Hall’s Accommodation Manager, Emma Carr, is contactable via

As Accommodation Manager, Emma arranges new and existing student accommodation, residential reservations for the College’s Visiting and Research Fellows and Life Members; and manages guest room bookings.

Learn more about accommodation at Clare Hall via this page.


For any questions arising prior to applying to Cambridge, please contact the Postgraduate Admissions team directly.

You can also take a virtual tour of the University of Cambridge, including Clare Hall.

Alumni Relations and Development (Life Members)

The Alumni Relations & Development Office is the main point of contact for Life Members and Friends of Clare Hall, planning Life Member events, and supporting editorial on the annual Review publication.

For queries about Life Membership, explore our Life Member pages or email Sarah Garrison via

On matters concerning donation to the College, please email and find further details on this page.


Visits to the Archives are by appointment only. To arrange this or for any enquiries, please contact our Archivist, Elizabeth Stratton, via email at; post to Archivist, Clare Hall, Herschel Road, Cambridge CB3 9AL; or telephone on +44 (0)1223 332375. Please note that Elizabeth works part-time.

Discover more about the History of Clare Hall.


Together with the College’s staff, the Bursar works to ensure that governance is well managed through the Governing Body (strategy), Council (trustees) and the Finance Committee. To contact our Bursar, Per Reiff-Musgrove, please email

Clare Hall’s Domestic Bursar, David James, is contactable via The Domestic Bursar manages the College’s operational teams, coordinating activity which ensures smooth daily running, as well as contributing to broader strategic development.

College Administration

The College Administrator, Hilal Opal, provides administrative support to college. She is also responsible for ensuring the smooth running and effective delivery of college events, including our lecture series, special dinners and others. Reach out to Hilal via

Communications and Marketing

For queries on communications, marketing and internal events publicity, as well as any media enquiries, please email our Communications & Marketing Manager via

The Communications & Marketing Manager manages the College’s communications and marketing strategy, which includes creating news stories, publicising College lectures and events, and producing social media year-round.

Conferencing and Events

The Operations Administrator, Clare Pinto, supports the work of the Domestic Bursar, providing administrative support to his teams and taking the lead in organising external events such as private parties or dinners.

For matters concerning hosting an event or conference at Clare Hall, complete our event booking enquiry form. For further events queries, please email Clare Pinto via

Learn about our conferencing and events offering via this page.


The Finance team is led by Cat Gordon-Strachan, and includes Sam Martensz, Yuriko Ito Riccio, Penny Zhang, and Ewa Przewozniczuk (who is based at Robinson College and supporting Clare Hall on a part-time basis). They are responsible for making supplier payments, and for billings including member charges and student fees. The team also manages the Upay meals system and Formal Hall bookings.

To contact the Finance team please email for supplier invoices and queries; for payroll queries; for Formal Hall bookings; and for billings, Upay and all other queries.


Clare Hall is fortunate to have wonderfully attractive and well-maintained gardens, credit for which is due to the hard work of our small but dedicated team. The Head Gardener, David Smith, and his staff, Paul Haynes and Andrew Graves, are rightly proud of their efforts which ensure year-round brilliance.

For comments and queries regarding Clare Hall’s gardens, please complete our feedback form, or speak with a member of the team out and about.

Find glimpses of Clare Hall’s beautiful grounds and gardens via this page.


To contact our Governance Officer regarding Clare Hall’s Council and Governing Body, please email

The Governance Officer assists the Bursar in preparing the agenda for Council and Governing Body, taking minutes and ensuring the smooth running of each meeting.


All Clare Hall buildings are kept spick-and-span through the dedicated efforts of our Housekeeping staff, led by the Housekeeping Manager, Agi Bundyra, who holds responsibility for the provision of cost-effective and efficient domestic services for our accommodation.

To discuss any matter regarding housekeeping, please email Agi via

Human Resources

For any matter regarding human resources at Clare Hall, please email our HR Manager via

The HR manager is responsible for all aspects of human resources, such us recruitment, training and development, benefits administration, and ensuring staff wellbeing.

Learn about careers at Clare Hall and find our latest job vacancies here.


Catering services at Clare Hall are contracted via Wilson Vale, and our Kitchen Manager, Sabrina Gyles, coordinates a fantastic catering team and front-of-house staff, ensuring our daily three-course meals, Formal Hall and feasts are the best they can be.

For catering enquiries, including regarding events, please email Sabrina at

Read more about dining at Clare Hall. Feedback and suggestions are most welcome through this form.


The Ashby Library comprises around three thousand books, mostly donated by past and present members of Clare Hall. Further details of the collection, the library facilities and study spaces can be found on this page.

For any queries, please email


Maintenance of our buildings is coordinated by Andrew Brewer who, as the Maintenance Manager, is the first point of contact for all infrastructural issues and leads a small team of skilled tradespeople here at the College.

To request maintenance support, please complete the maintenance request form. For other queries, please email Andrew at


Clare Hall’s Nurse is Anne Considine. Anne is available to see Clare Hall students on Wednesdays from 9am-5:30pm. To book a confidential consultation, please email

Anne is based at Robinson College and can help students with a variety of health and welfare needs including assistance with minor illnesses and injuries, while offering advice and support with emotional issues. If specialist help is required, she will direct students to the appropriate service such as GP, University Counselling Service or other suitable providers.

Porters’ Lodge

Our Porters pride themselves in providing a calm and professional service when helping our members with their enquiries. They look after the general security of the College, control the house and guest room keys and the electronic card key system. They also sort mail and any other deliveries to the College. The Lodge staff are all first-aid trained, and led by the Head Porter, Donna Lavender, who is contactable via

The Porters’ Lodge is the first point of call for everyone at the College. It is located on Main Site and can be reached at any time of day by email at, or phone, 01223 332360.

President’s Office

Professor Alan Short is Clare Hall’s President. He was a Senior Scholar at Trinity College, Cambridge, with a spell as Exchange Fellow at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard. To reach him directly, please email

Professor Andrew Blake is our Vice-President. He is a pioneer in the development of the theory and algorithms that make it possible for computers to behave as seeing machines.


The Tutorial Office provides pastoral support to postgraduate students. Guidance is offered on a range of issues including health and welfare, finance, and connections between students and their departments and/or supervisors, particularly with respect to University processes. The Tutorial Office is also responsible for assisting students with special needs in relation to study and examinations.

A key member of the senior leadership team, our Senior Tutor Dr Holly Hedgeland, helps to shape the College’s intellectual environment and to inspire academic excellence. She oversees the management and delivery of Clare Hall’s academic and pastoral provision for its students and is responsible for a range of academic and professional staff, including Tutors among others. Clare Hall’s Senior Tutor is contactable via

Students can contact their Tutor at any time to discuss a problem – either directly using the contact details on this page, or by emailing our Tutorial Administrator, Katie Clarke on


For students, during office hours help and advice can usually be obtained from a member of the Tutorial Office. The College also has a Nurse and a college-based counselling service, which you can find details of through Clare Hall’s Intranet.

Our HR Manager is a Wellbeing Advocate within the University’s programme. Related details are circulated throughout the year, with a Mindfulness Programme currently being developed by two College members.

Further details

View our academic community profiles for contact details of Tutors, Fellows, Visiting Fellows and Associates.

You’ll find contact details for our public-facing committees via their dedicated pages – e.g. Graduate Student Body Committee; Art Committee; Music Committee – and you can access a full list of committees here.