GSB Committee
The Graduate Student Body Committee (GSB) is elected to represent student interests throughout the College and the wider University, as well as arranging regular social and sports events.

The GSB Committee is a great way to be actively involved in College organisation, meet new people and promote students’ wellbeing. All graduate students at Clare Hall are automatically members of the Graduate Student Body (GSB) itself.
Constitution of the Clare Hall Graduate Student Body
Clare Hall Students Facebook group
How are they elected?
- All members of the GSB are entitled to stand for election or re-election to the Committee, which is elected annually.
- The President, Treasurer and Social Officer are elected at the end of the Easter Term, whereas the remaining officers are elected at the beginning of the following Michaelmas Term.
- Students interested in any of the roles can get in touch with the current or previous Committee members.
- Call for nominations is open for one week, ending two days before the election takes place.
- Voting is held by way of a secret ballot online.
Current officers
President: Ismail T-Benchekroun <>
Vice-President: Andrew McDonald <>
Treasurer: Nicolas Spiesshofer <>
Secretary: Anwesha Ganguly <>
Social Officers: Diana Smiljkovic and Rose Montgomery Danagher <>
External Officer: Tomas Kreuzinger <>
Green Officer: Stan Kohler and Natalie Stoker<>
Sports Officer: Efthymia Kostaki <>
Arts and Music Officer: Gloria Meijia Wu <>
Welfare/Wellbeing Officer: Ana Isakovic and Lisa Valentini <>
Fellow-Student Interaction Officer: Ella von Moeller <>
Family Officer: Aden Cotterill and Leah Pitman <>
Punt Admiral: Parker Taft <>