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Stuart Dalziel

College positions:
Professorial Fellow
Fluid Dynamics
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, G.K. Batchelor Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

Professor Stuart Dalziel

Professor Stuart Dalziel has run the University of Cambridge Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics’ GK Batchelor Laboratory for over 20 years.

Stuart is a New Zealand and British fluid dynamicist. After his undergraduate degree in Engineering Science in Auckland, he completed his PhD in Cambridge in 1988 under the supervision of Paul Linden, and his research – combining experimental, theoretical studies and numerical – spans fluid flows in industrial and environmental problems including plumes, gravity currents, rotating flows, mixing, granular flows and impacts. Stuart’s recent work has included enhancing chemical reactions, the complexity of internal waves in the ocean, the bursting of ‘water bombs’ and building ventilation in the context of Covid-19.

At the GK Batchelor Laboratory, Stuart has not only led the development of the world-leading facilities, but has also been instrumental in developing the diagnostics and software widely used in the research community.

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