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Ian Farnan

College positions:
Professorial Fellow, Tutor
Earth and Nuclear Materials
Department of Earth Sciences
Contact details:

Professor Ian Farnan

Professor Ian Farnan is a Reader in Earth and Nuclear Materials in the Department of Earth Sciences.

He is an expert in the effect of nuclear radiation on materials and has developed nuclear magnetic resonance methods to provide an element-specific probe of radiation damage and actinide substitution in a range of materials from nuclear fuels and claddings to waste forms. His current research involves the investigation of the alteration mechanisms of spent nuclear fuel and nuclear waste glasses as a function of radiation damage and aqueous processes.

Professor Farnan is also involved in supporting the development of molten salt re-processing technology through fundamental research on in situ measurements on dissolution in molten salts and waste forms for halide-rich waste streams. He is consortium leader of the RCUK/NDA funded Spent Nuclear Fuel Research Group, which investigates the issues surrounding UK specific SNF and its suitability for Geological Disposal. He is also coordinator of the EURACT-NMR FP7 programme to provide trans-national access to nuclear licensed nuclear magnetic resonance facilities in Europe. Professor Farnan is a member of the scientific advisory committee of the Environmental and Molecular Sciences Directorate of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and an expert consultant to the EC-JRC Transuranium Institute, Karlsruhe.

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