Dr Fatemeh Rezaee
Fatemeh is a UKRI Fellow in Mathematics at the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.
Research interest:
-Algebraic geometry and homological algebra: geometry of moduli spaces of sheaves, derived categories,
Bridgeland stability conditions on triangulated categories, birational geometry, Hilbert schemes, wall-crossing, stable maps.
-Combinatorics, Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra: Hilbert scheme of points.
-Pattern Recognition and Computational Methods: Classical geometry via numerical methods.
-Enumerative geometry: Gromov-Witten theory, Donaldson-Thomas theory, Pandharipande-Thomas theory.
Select publications
- An obstruction to smoothing stable maps, with M. Swaminathan. Submitted
- Constructing smoothings of stable maps, with M. Swaminathan. Submitted.
- Conjectural criteria for the most singular points of the Hilbert schemes of points . Experimental Mathematics, , 1–16, 2024.
- An interesting wall-crossing: Failure of the wall-crossing/MMP correspondence, arXiv. Selecta Mathematica New Series, Volume 30, Number 102, 2024.
- Geometry of canonical genus four curves, arXiv. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 128, Issue 1, 2024.
- The desingularization of the theta divisor of a cubic threefold as a moduli space , with A. Bayer, S. Beentjes, S. Feyzbakhsh, G. Hein, D. Martinelli, B. Schmidt. Geometry & Topology, Volume 28, Issue 1, 2024.