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Nitya Mohan Khemka

College positions:
Fellow Commoner
Development Studies
Centre of Development Studies

Dr Nitya Mohan Khemka

Dr Mohan Khemka is an Affiliated Lecturer at the Faculty of Development Studies at the University of Cambridge.

She is also director of policy research at The Nand and Jeet Khemka Foundation where she heads up the Foundations’s initiative on ‘The Indian Welfare State in the 21st century’. In this capacity she leads the ‘Action to Improve Public Scheme Access and Delivery’ project (focussed on the delivery of healthcare, education and pension security by the state ) and other key governance and welfare policy initiatives of the foundation . Prior to this, she worked with the UNDP (India Country Office) and ILO (Geneva, Switzerland). Her research interests span the areas of health economics and development policy, notably topics such as well-being, gender inequality, human development and the effectiveness and decentralization of governance.

Nitya has a PhD and an MPhil in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge, and an MA in Economics and a BSc in Mathematics from Bangalore University.