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Nikolai Kazantsev

College positions:
Research Fellow, Tutor
Department of Engineering, Institute for Manufacturing
Contact details:

Dr Nikolai Kazantsev

Dr Nikolai Kazantsev is a postdoctoral research associate at the Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge.

Nikolai is passionate about preparing manufacturing systems (such as healthcare, aerospace, food) before the next disruption, such as pandemics, war or climate disaster. These systems will develop, reconfigure and deploy manufacturing capability where and when it is needed and increase societal resilience to “black swans”.

The particular issue of Nikolai’s concern are complex socio-technical issues, such as demand-driven collaborations, data sharing, and stress testing of manufacturing systems in augmented reality (such as metaverse).

Nikolai received his PhD from the Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, after the dissertation ‘Supporting SME collaborations in low-volume high-variability manufacturing’. His postgraduate research was supported by the EU-funded project DIGICOR, Zoetis – the largest animal health company, The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

Nikolai holds an Early Career Researcher (ECR) Fellowship at InterAct – a Made Smarter Innovation funded, Economic and Social Research Council-led network.

In 2023, Nikolai joined the Early Career Editorial Board of the Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS) and the Social Media Editors Board of the International Journal of Production and Operation Management (IJOPM).

In his free time, Nikolai plays the cello in Cambridge University Symphony Orchestra (CUSO) and sings in the choir at St Ephraim Orthodox Parish.  

Select publications

  • Kazantsev, N., DeBellis, M., Mehandjiev M., Sampaio P., Quboa Q., Stalker I.D. Ontology-driven product assembly in low-volume high-variability production systems. International Journal of Production Research (ahead-of-print)
  • Kazantsev N., Islam N., Zwiegelaar J., Brown A.W., and Maull R. (2023). Data sharing for business model innovation in platform ecosystems: From private data to public good, Technology Forecasting and Social Change
  • Romanov D., Molokanov V., Kazantsev N and Jha A.K. (2023). Removing Bias from Decision Making Systems: A Machine Learning Method to Detect and Eliminate Order Effects, Decision Support Systems (ABS level 3)
  • Wan X., Jha A.K., Kazantsev N. and Boh W. F. (2023) Online to Offline Platforms: Examining the Effects of Demand-side Usage on Supply-side Decisions. Information & Management (ABS level 3)
  • Kazantsev, N., Pishchulov, G., Mehandjiev, N., Sampaio, P., and Zolkiewski, J. (2022) Investigating barriers to demand-driven SME collaboration in low-volume high-variability manufacturing. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal.
  • Muller J. and Kazantsev N. (Eds.). (2022). Industry 4.0 and SMEs – Drivers, Barriers and Opportunities for integration from around the globe, Taylor & Francis.        

Select Awards

  • 2021 – Alliance Manchester Business School – Best doctoral paper award
  • 2019 – Association for Information Systems – Doctoral Service Award
  • 2019 – British Academy of Management – Best doctoral paper – Highly Commended
  • 2018 – British Academy of Management – Best developmental paper

Further links

University profile & contacts:

My current project:

Research papers:
