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Theodoros Papalas

College positions:
Affiliated Postdoctoral Member
Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology, University of Cambridge
Contact details:

Dr Theodoros Papalas

Theodoros Papalas is a chemical engineer who graduated from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in November 2018 (3rd in a class of 120 students).

In December 2018, he began his Ph.D. in the Laboratory of Petrochemical Technology within the Department of Chemical Engineering at Aristotle University, under the supervision of Prof. Angeliki A. Lemonidou, and graduated with distinction in November 2023. Since January 2024, he has been working as a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge., currently under the supervision of Prof. Laura Torrente-Murciano.

His research interests include chemical reaction engineering and process intensification, targeting to the development of novel materials and processes for heavy industry decarbonisation and high-value chemicals production. During his PhD thesis, he focused on the carbonate looping technology and its application for the removal of carbon dioxide from the flue gas of cement manufacturing, the intensification of natural gas reforming for high-purity hydrogen production and the demonstration of integrated capture and utilisation of carbon dioxide. His experimental work consisted of the synthesis of carbon dioxide capture materials and oxygen carriers/catalysts and the in-depth investigation of their activity under fixed or fluidised bed reactor experiments. His research was complemented with detailed thermodynamic and exergy analysis, process design, technoeconomics and life-cycle assessment of intensified carbon dioxide capture processes.

In his current postdoctoral research, he focuses on redefining the Haber-Bosch process, the dominant pathway for ammonia production in the industry, through the principles of Process Intensification. Specifically, introducing an ammonia absorbent in the reactor would enable the in situ removal of generated ammonia, allowing for the system to attain high ammonia yields at milder operating conditions compared to the incumbent technology. Emphasis is given on investigating metal halides as absorbents for ammonia removal at low pressures.

Select publications

  • Papalas T., Antzaras A.N., Lemonidou A.A., Integrated CO2 capture and utilization by combining calcium looping with CH4 reforming processes: A thermodynamic and exergetic approach, Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38 (13), 11966–11979,
  • Papalas T., Lypiridis D., Antzaras, A.N., Lemonidou A.A., Experimental investigation of integrated CO2 capture and conversion to syngas via calcium looping coupled with dry reforming of CH4, Chem. Eng. J., 2024, 485, 149866
  • Papalas T., Antzaras A.N., Lemonidou A.A., Unravelling the role of Co in mixed Ni-Co oxygen carriers/catalysts for H2 production via sorption enhanced steam methane reforming coupled with chemical looping, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. Energy, 2024, 247, 123777
  • Papalas T., Palamas E., Antzaras A.N., Lemonidou A.A., Evaluating bimetallic Ni-Co oxygen carriers for their redox behavior and catalytic activity toward steam methane reforming, Fuel, 2024, 359, 130272
  • Antzaras A.N., Papalas T., Heracleous E., Kouris Ch., Techno-economic and environmental assessment of CO2 capture technologies in the cement industry, J. Clean. Prod., 2023, 428, 139330
  • Papalas T., Polychronidis, I., Antzaras, A.N., Lemonidou A.A., Enhancing the intermediate Temperature CO2 capture efficiency of mineral MgO via molten alkali nitrates and CaCO3: Characterization and sorption mechanism, 2021, J. CO2 Util., 50, 101605,
  • Papalas T., Antzaras, A.N., Lemonidou A.A., Evaluation of calcium-based sorbents derived from natural ores and industrial wastes for high-temperature CO2 capture, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., 2020, 59(21), 9926-9938,
  • Darda S., Papalas T., Zabaniotou A., Biofuels journey in Europe: Currently the way to low carbon economy sustainability is still a challenge, J. Clean. Prod., 2019, 208, pp 575–588,

Select awards

  • Ph.D. Scholarship from State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) of Greece (16,000 €): “Enhancement of human resources via the implementation of doctoral research – Sub action 2: IKY scholarship program for Ph.D. candidates in Greek universities” Selection of candidates was based on the evaluation of a research proposal for 16-month funding.
  • Poster award in 26th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE26): The work “CO2 capture via carbonate looping using high and intermediate temperature sorbents derived from mineral ores and industrial wastes” was awarded 1st place award over 120 poster contributions in ISCRE26, held virtually at December 5-8, 2021 (Contribution: First author, main presenter).
  • Honorary Award of Excellence & 3rd prize money (1,000 €): ranked 3rd among students that graduated from the Chemical Engineering Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece within 5 years during the academic year 2017-2018. Funding source: LIMMAT – STIFUNG foundation, Switzerland
  • Undergraduate studies Scholarship (~600 €): Participation in the organisation of educational & research activities of the Department of Chemical Engineering. Selection among undergraduate students was based on overall performance of studies. Funding source: Department of Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

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