EMBA student Steven Lu raises over £10,000 for diversity and inclusion!
Last Thursday, Clare Hall EMBA student Steven Lu, alongside coursemates David Shan and Bo Kim, cycled from London to Cambridge to raise money for diversity and inclusion initiatives at Clare Hall. They successfully completed the journey and surpassed their goal of raising £10,000!
Throughout the journey from King’s Cross to Clare Hall, Steven, David, and Bo endured tough weather and road conditions, and completed the entire trip on Brompton bicycles. When they finally arrived at Clare Hall around 6:00pm, supporters gathered to cheer them on as they rounded the corner onto Herschel Road. The cyclists recounted their journey over cakes and prosecco in the Common Room.
Steven Lu shared, “I am deeply gratified and encouraged by the £10,219 raised from 67 donations. I believe this money, together with the spirit of diversity and inclusivity, will greatly benefit the College and future students and Visiting Fellows. This is our first fundraising campaign but won’t be our last one–we need more collective efforts to make a real impact.”
Huge congratulations to Steven, David, and Bo, and thank you so much to everyone who supported the fundraiser!