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Heritage safeguarding: Mariana Pinto Leitão Pereira co-edits new book

16 June 2022 Students

Mariana Pinto Leitão Pereira, a PhD candidate in Archaeology at Clare Hall, has co-edited a new book titled Sustaining Support for Intangible Cultural Heritage. 

Published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, the book is framed within the Covid-19 pandemic and addresses the vulnerability and fragility of sustaining heritage in times of prolonged shock. It offers insights into the manifold ways heritage facilitators and practitioners deal and safeguard intangible heritage locally, and showcases the implications of ecological changes in relation to livelihoods, to the practice of heritage and education on sustainability. 

Mariana Pinto Leitão Pereira is a PhD Candidate at the Cambridge Heritage Research Centre at the University of Cambridge, researching how diaspora communities negotiate identity through cultural heritage. She worked as an archaeologist and heritage expert in Macau, and is a member of ICOMOS Portugal. 

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