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Mathematics: Professor Athanasios Fokas awarded the prestigious 2024 Kruskal Award and Lecture

1 May 2024 Fellows

Our warmest congratulations to Professor Athanasios Fokas, eminent mathematician and Fellow of Clare Hall, for receiving the 2024 Kruskal Award/Lecture.

The Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), announced that Professor Fokas received the 2024 Kruskal Award/Lecture “for his contributions to the development of the inverse scattering transform, for his new method for boundary-value problems (Fokas method), and for his work on the asymptotic analysis of the Riemann zeta function.” This is considered the most prestigious award in the area of Nonlinearity.

In addition, ‘’ pronounced Professor Fokas as one of the ‘UK Mathematics Leader 2024’, because he is in the list of the 10 most cited UK mathematicians of all time (based on his h-index). Importantly, he is the most-cited mathematician of all time from the University of Cambridge.

We look forward to following Professor Fokas’ future endeavours!