Heartbreak: Professor Barbara Sahakian to discuss neuroscience perspective at Norwich Science Festival
Professor Barbara Sahakian, Fellow of Clare Hall, will share neuroscientific research insights in a Norwich Science Festival talk on heartbreak next week.
Taking place on Valentine’s Day, the talk also features psychologist Viren Swami (Professor of Social Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University), and Rosie Wilby, comedian and author of The Breakup Monologues, who will cover what heartbreak is, why it happens, and share what we might do to best get through it.
Barbara Sahakian is Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge. During this panel, titled Heartbreak: necessary process or by-product of love?, she will interrogate the effect of loving and breaking up with someone on our brain, emotions and behaviour; and how we might react in these situations.
The panel is taking place at Norwich Arts Centre on Tuesday 14 February 2023 from 7pm, and you can book tickets via https://norwichartscentre.co.uk/event/norwich-science-festival-presents-heartbreak-necessary-process-or-byproduct-of-love/