Prof Barbara Sahakian ranked by in the field of Psychology & Neuroscience
Prof Barbara Sahakian, Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Clare Hall has been ranked by, a leading academic platform for researchers in the 2023 Edition of their Ranking of Best Scientists in the field of Psychology and Neuroscience. She is ranked no. 9 and 31 nationally and internationally respectively in the field of psychology and 10th and 63rd nationally and internationally respectively in neuroscience.

Professor Sahakian’s research is aimed at understanding the neural basis of cognitive, emotional and behavioral dysfunction in order to develop more effective pharmacological and psychological treatments. The focus of her lab is on early detection, differential diagnosis and proof of concept studies using cognitive enhancing drugs. This research utilizes neuropsychological tests, such as the CANTAB tests, which she co-invented and a focus remains on the development of novel tests. In the past, she has received many awards including “Psychology in United Kingdom Leader Award”, “Neuroscience in United Kingdom Leader Award”, “Best Female Scientist Award”.
We wholeheartedly congratulate her for this achievement and wish her the best!