White Rose Resistance: Dr Jud Newborn to present lecture-performance on Hans and Sophie Scholl
Dr Jud Newborn, a Life Member of Clare Hall, will give a live multimedia lecture-performance on Hans and Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Anti-Nazi Resistance this Sunday (9pm GMT).
The programme, hosted by the Sousa Mendes Foundation, is an adaptation of Dr Newborn’s hour-long lecture-performance, The White Rose Student Anti-Nazi Resistance – and Heroes Today in the Fight for Democracy and Human Rights. The programme is partially based on his book Sophie Scholl & the White Rose.
Find all details about this event and register via Eventbrite at https://sousamendesfoundation.org/event/sophie-scholl-and-the-white-rose/
Dr Jud Newborn is a New York-based author and multimedia lecture performer. Having worked as a cultural anthropologist, Holocaust scholar, curator, and filmmaker, he was recently honoured by the Anne Frank Center as recipient of their Spirit of Anne Frank Human Rights Award. He received his PhD with Distinction from the University of Chicago in 1994. Before and after, Dr Newborn served as Founding Historian, curator and co-creator of New York’s Museum of Jewish Heritage from 1986 to 2000. He serves today as the Emmy award-winning producer and curator of celebrity programmes for Long Island’s Cinema Arts Centre.
The Sousa Mendes Foundation is dedicated to honouring the memory of the Holocaust rescuer Aristides de Sousa Mendes, and to educating the world about his work.