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News on Ukraine: doomscrolling advice published by College members

22 March 2022 Fellows

Research insights penned by Professor Barbara Sahakian (Fellow of Clare Hall); Dr Christelle Langley (Affiliated Postdoc); Professor Jianfeng Feng (Associate) and Dr Chun Shen (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Fudan University) offer guidance on the negative effects doomscrolling can have on our cognition and mood.

Published in The Conversationtheir new article highlights the ways in which doomscrolling (spending an excessive amount of screen-time reading negative news) promotes feelings of depression and anxiety. Mood induction and excessive empathy can lead us to ruminate on negative thoughts, amplifying them and potentially leading to reduced attention and memory or reasoning problems. 

The research team advises the following to help alleviate the effects of doomscrolling: