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Daniel Veres

College positions:
Visiting Fellow
Past climate change and geochronology
Romanian Academy, Institute of Speleology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Contact details:

Dr Daniel Veres

Dr Daniel Veres holds degrees in geology from Babes-Bolyai University, Romania (BSc and MSc) and Lund University (Sweden), alongside a PhD in Quaternary geology and paleoclimatology from University of Stockholm, Sweden. He currently works as senior researcher at the Romanian Academy (Institute of Speleology) in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, having held previous research positions at universities in Mainz, Grenoble, Aachen and Quebec.

His long-term scientific career focused on improving our understanding of past climate change, multi-record proxy response during the Quaternary period, and human-environment interactions especially during the Palaeolithic. His most recent research has been centred on reconstructing terrestrial response to millennial-scale climate variability and in developing optimized common chronological frameworks for various paleoclimate archives including ice core, lake sediments and loess. He is also interested in reconstruing past metal use in Eurasia and coordinated several research projects on this topic.

Select publications

  • Veres D., Karátson D., Wulf S., Hambach U., Novothny Á., Gertisser R., Magyari E.K., Lehmkuhl F., (2022). Palaeogeography: Syn- and Post-eruptive Landscape Evolution Around Ciomadul. In Ciomadul (Csomád), The Youngest Volcano in the Carpathians: Volcanism, Palaeoenvironment, Human Impact (Ed. Karátson D., Veres D., Gertisser R., Magyari E.K., Jánosi C., Hambach U.), 95-110.
  • Longman J., Veres D., Haliuc A., Finsinger W., Ersek V., Pascal D., Sava T., Begy R., (2021). Carbon accumulation rates of Holocene peatlands in central-eastern Europe document the driving role of human impact for the past 4000 years. Climate of the Past 17, 2633–2652.
  • Lehmkuhl F., Nett J.J., Pötter S., Schulte P., Sprafke T., Jary Z., Antoine P., Wacha L., Wolf D., Zerboni A., Hošek J., Marković S.B., Obreht I., Sümegi P., Veres D., Zeeden, C., Boemke B., Schaubert V., Viehweger J., Hambach U., (2021). Loess landscapes of Europe – mapping, geomorphology and zonal differentiation. Earth-Science Reviews 215, 103496.
  • Longman J., Ersek V., Veres D., (2020). High variability between regional histories of long-term atmospheric Pb pollution. Scientific Reports 10, 20890.
  • Zeeden C., Obreht I., Veres D., Kaboth-Bahr S., Hošek J., Marković S.B., Bösken J., Lehmkuhl F., Rolf C., Hambach U., 2020. Smoothed millennial-scale palaeoclimatic reference data as unconventional comparison targets: application to European loess records. Scientific Reports 10, 5455.
  • Veres D., Tecsa V., Gerasimenko N., Zeeden C., Hambach U., Timar-Gabor A., 2018. Short-term soil formation events in Late Pleistocene European loess records, evidence from multi-method luminescence dating. Quaternary Science Reviews 200, 34-51.
  • Staubwasser M., Dragusin V., Onac B.P., Assanov S., Ersek V., Hoffmann D.L., Veres D., 2018. Impact of climate change on the transition of Neanderthals to modern humans in Europe. PNAS 115 (37), 9116-9121.
  • Longman J., Veres D., Ersek V., Finsinger W., 2018. Exceptionally high levels of lead pollution in the Balkans from the early metal ages to the industrial revolution. PNAS, 115 (25), E5661-E5668.

Select awards

  • 2020 Ad-Astra Prize for Excellence in Researc
  • 2009: The ‘In Hoc Signo Vinces’ award for excellence in research, on behalf of the Romanian National Research Council for outstanding scientific performances in geosciences
  • 2009: The ‘Best Young Scientist in Romania’ award on behalf of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research granted for exceptional research proficiency

Further links

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