Dr Michael Evans
Dr Evans specialises in second- and foreign-language education. His recent research and writings have focused on the relationship between identity and additional language learning.
He is co-investigator of the education strand of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)-funded interdisciplinary study Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies. This work examines the link between linguistic profiles, self-perceptions and performance in additional language learning in schools. It also includes the implementation of an intervention programme in secondary schools using an identity-orientated pedagogy aimed at enhancing language learning through enhanced multilingual identity awareness. Dr Evans also specialises in research on language and social integration of newcomer bilingual students through projects funded by the Bell Foundation, which has informed policy on support for students with English as an additional language in England.
Select publications
- Pachler, N., Evans, M., Redondo, A., and Fisher, L. (forthcoming 2023) Learning to Teach Foreign Languages. (5th edition) London: Routledge.
- Evans, M. and Fisher, L. (2022). The relevance of identity in languages education. The Language Learning Journal, 50(2): 218-222.
- Rutgers, D., Evans, M., Fisher, L., Gayton, A. and Liu, Y. (2021). Multilingualism, multilingual identity and academic attainment: Evidence from secondary schools in England. Journal of Language, Identity & Education.
- Forbes, K., Evans, M., Fisher, L., Gayton, A., Liu, Y. and Rutgers, D. (2021). Developing a multilingual identity in the languages classroom: the influence of an identity-based pedagogical intervention. The Language Learning Journal. 49(4), pp. 433-451.
- Leung, C., Evans, M. and Liu, Y. (2021) English as an additional language assessment framework: Filling a void in policy and provision in school education in England. Language Assessment Quarterly.18(3), pp. 296-315.
- Evans, M., Schneider, C., Arnot, M., Fisher, L., Forbes, K., Liu, Y. and Welply, O. (2020.) Language development and social integration of students with English as an additional language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Fisher, L., Evans, M., Forbes, K., Gayton, A. and Liu, Y. (2020). Participative multilingual identity formation in the languages classroom: A multi-theoretical conceptualisation. International Journal of Multilingualism, 17(4): 448-466.