Allotment and Yoga classes
This term, GSB-run yoga classes will take place on Sundays at 2.30pm in the Richard Eden Suite. There are 12 spots available per class; please find booking details via email. Sessions are open to all members of the College, with all levels of experience.
Yoga sessions are running on 26 February, 5 March, 19 March, 26 March and 2 April from 2.30pm.
Secondly, the GSB holds allotment sessions every Sunday from 1-2.15pm, by the swimming pool in West Court.
Sarah Gough, Allotment Initiative co-founder, shares:
‘It’s a great wholesome activity to be involved in and we’ve already had a few meals this term with the organic produce including Clare Hall’s home-grown peanuts, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, chard.’
For any queries, please get in touch with Sarah via