Dr Elise Rousseau
Dr Elise Rousseau is a WBI World Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) and a Postdoctoral Affiliated Member at Clare Hall.
She holds a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the University of Namur and the National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS), as well as a Master’s Degree in International Relations from the University of Louvain. She also has a Bachelor’s Double Degree in Philosophy, and in French and Romance Linguistics and Literature from the University Saint-Louis (Brussels).
Before joining Cambridge, Elise served as a Policy Officer at the Embassy of Belgium in the United Kingdom and lectured on ‘Global diplomacy’ at Sciences Po Paris Summer School. In 2018, she was awarded the highly competitive Gustave Boël-Sofina Fellowship to do research on diplomacy at McGill University. She also held visiting positions at Sciences Po Paris and Queen Mary University of London.
Elise was one of the founders, and then one of the editors, of the Belgian Association of Political Science (ABSP) blog, BePolitix. She was the co-founder and co-convenor of the IPS Belgium seminar series. She also held various elective positions at the University of Namur.
Select publications
Peer-reviewed articles
- 2022: At War or Saving Lives? On the Securitizing Semantic Repertoires of Covid-19, with S. Baele, International Relations.
- 2020: ‘Filthy Lapdogs’, ‘Jerks’, and ‘Hitler’: Making Sense of International Insults, with S. Baele, International Studies Review.
- 2020: Blame and Complicity in International Relations: Making Non-intervention Morally Bearable, with T. Balzacq, European Review of International Studies, 7 (2-3): 293-316.
- 2018: Power, Mechanisms, and Denunciations: Understanding Compliance with Human Rights in International Relations, Political Studies Review, 16 (4): 318-330.
Book chapters
- Forthcoming: Status and Emotions in World Politics, in S. Koschut and A. Ross (eds), The Handbook of Emotions in International Relations, Oxford University Press.
- 2022: La diplomatie humanitaire de la France [France’s humanitarian diplomacy]”, in C. Brisset, E. Decaux, B. Miyet, and J.-M. Ripert (eds), Livre bleu : La France et les Nations Unies, Association française pour les Nations Unies.
- 2020: Humanitarian diplomacy, with A. Sommo, in T. Balzacq, F. Charillon and F. Ramel (eds), Global Diplomacy: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Palgrave Macmillan.
- 2018, French version: La diplomatie humanitaire, with A. Sommo, in Manuel de diplomatie, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po.
Select Awards
- 2023: Belgian national diplomatic examination
- 2022: WBI World Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2018: Gustave Boel Sofina Fellowship
- 2016: FNRS PhD Fellowship
Further links