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This Cambridge Life: Dr Madeline Lancaster profiled by the University

20 September 2021 Fellows

Dr Madeline Lancaster, a Fellow of Clare Hall and Group Leader in the Cell …

20 September 2021 Fellows

‘Clare Hall saved me from the idea that the more you repudiate, the more successful you are’

16 September 2021 Blog

Christos Kalli is a Life Member of Clare Hall. In this blog we learn …

16 September 2021 Blog

Demystifying resilience: Professor Lord Martin Rees appears in film series

15 September 2021 Fellows

Professor Lord Martin Rees, an Honorary Fellow of Clare Hall, is one of several …

15 September 2021 Fellows

Genomics: Dr Tim Coorens’ ground-breaking research on somatic mutations published

8 September 2021 Students

A PhD student from Clare Hall has co-written two papers presenting new insights into …

8 September 2021 Students

Landscapes of Southeast Asia: Dr Nicole CuUnjieng Aboitiz to lead reading group

7 September 2021 Fellows

What are the landscapes of Southeast Asia? How are they inhabited, cultivated, framed, curated, …

7 September 2021 Fellows

Neuroscience and dignity: paper by Dr Tara White published in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

31 August 2021 Life Members

A new paper by Dr Tara White, a Clare Hall Life Member, has been …

31 August 2021 Life Members

Leadership in unprecedented times: Sir Mene Pangalos features in Judge Business School video series

25 August 2021 Fellows

Sir Mene Pangalos, Fellow of Clare Hall, recently participated in ‘CJBS Perspectives: Leadership in …

25 August 2021 Fellows

Infection-resilient environments: report co-authored by President recommends measures

16 August 2021 Fellows

A report regarding UK infrastructure’s resilience to infection, co-authored by Clare Hall’s President, Professor …

16 August 2021 Fellows

Dopamine and consciousness: College members illustrate conscious brain activity’s link to ‘pleasure chemical’

5 August 2021 Fellows

Research from University of Cambridge scientists, including Professor Barbara Sahakian, a Fellow of Clare …

5 August 2021 Fellows

Cultural isolation: Mohammad Chowdhury publishes memoir of journey as Western Muslim post-9/11

3 August 2021 Life Members

Mohammad Chowdhury, a Life Member who completed an MPhil in the Economics and Politics …

3 August 2021 Life Members

Clare Hall Allotment Initiative: first summer harvest enjoyed

29 July 2021 College life

Back in March, members of Clare Hall’s Allotment Initiative gathered to sow a variety of …

29 July 2021 College life

‘Having a supportive Tutor and housemates I could turn to during difficult times made me realise that in Clare Hall we are a family’

27 July 2021 Blog

Several Clare Hallers kindly shared insights into their research and personal reflections on the …

27 July 2021 Blog

Science in London: Life Members release book on memorials

27 July 2021 Life Members

Istvan Hargittai and Magdolna Hargittai, Life Members of Clare Hall, have published a book …

27 July 2021 Life Members

Alumni Festival: Professor Peter Wadhams to examine Shroud of Turin

26 July 2021 Life Members

Clare Hall is delighted to be hosting a remote talk, tour and live Q&A …

26 July 2021 Life Members

In Memoriam: The Right Reverend Carolyn Tanner Irish

7 July 2021 Fellows

It is with great sadness that the College announces the death of the Right …

7 July 2021 Fellows

‘Children have come to be seen as members of society with the greatest plasticity and potential, and the question of how they should be nurtured and educated is still hotly debated’

30 June 2021 Blog

Dr Jingyi Jenny Zhao, a Research Fellow at Clare Hall based at the Needham …

30 June 2021 Blog